Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 07.06.2024

Collection of Data
At, we prioritize the privacy and protection of our users' data. We may collect and generate data about the use of the Service, which may include:

Personal Information:
  • Email Address
  • Password
  • Username
  • Country of Residence
  • Gender
  • User's personal collection of perfumes
  • Ratings and feedback provided by the user on various perfumes
Usage Information:
  • App usage information
  • Browser and device data
  • Log data
  • Web activity data
  • IP address
Purpose of Data Collection
The primary goal of collecting this data is to enhance the user experience on by:
  • Continuously improving and adjusting our algorithms to provide more accurate and personalized scent recommendations.
  • Understanding user behavior and preferences to introduce relevant features, products, or updates.
Data Protection
We employ advanced security measures to ensure the protection and confidentiality of the data collected. All personal information is stored in secure environments, and access is restricted to authorized personnel only.
User Rights
Access: Users have the right to request details about the data we hold on them.
Correction: Users can edit or update their personal data through their account settings at any time. If there are any discrepancies or inaccuracies, users are encouraged to rectify them promptly.
Deletion: Users have the right to request the deletion of their data. However, please note that some data might be retained for legal or regulatory purposes.
Data Sharing does not sell or rent user data to third parties. However, data might be shared with service providers or partners solely for the purpose of enhancing the platform's functionality or as required by law.
Third-Party Integrations might incorporate third-party tools or services. Users should be aware that these entities might have their own data collection and usage policies. Users are urged to review these policies before engaging with third-party integrations. We use Posthog as an analytics tool to better understand user interactions within our application. Posthog helps us collect data on user activities, such as pages visited and interactions with features, which aids in improving our services.
Cookies may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to improve user experience, analyze traffic, and for advertising purposes. Users can adjust their browser settings if they wish to refuse or limit the use of cookies.
Updates to this Privacy Policy
From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Users will be notified of any significant changes through our platform or via email.

By using, users acknowledge and agree to this Privacy Policy. We encourage users to review this section periodically to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect.

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at